Our Vision for the North Country

The North Country will lead the economic renaissance of New York State’s small cities and rural communities.

Placemaking: Create livable, attractive, and connected communities where people want to live, work, visit, and invest.

Tradeable Sectors: Support, grow, and diversify the North Country’s major industries to serve domestic and global markets.

Innovation: Foster a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation that grows and attracts entrepreneurs and companies seeking to market emerging technologies and solutions by creating synergies between research, development, and commercialization.

Workforce: Develop a resilient and diversified workforce through attraction, training, and retention efforts to meet the needs of our employers, our workers, and their families.

Housing: Build a regional ecosystem to support owner occupied and rental housing development and rehabilitation for the region’s workforce in the 80% - 200% Area Median Income (AMI) range to create healthy, sustainable, and diverse communities to support the region’s businesses and employers.

  • 50+

    Companies in the region’s Transportation Equipment Cluster.
  • $1.2B

    Spent by travelers during 2017

More About the North Country Region

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Our Leadership

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Contact Us

Stephen Hunt, Regional Director